(English : below)
International Understanding Forum (IUF) とは,異文化理解や英語でのプレゼンテーション能力向上を目的とした,学生発の企画です.毎回テーマに沿ってスピーカーが英語でプレゼンテーションを行い,参加者との活発な意見交換を行う場となっています.
IUF 2020 SUMMER 詳細 ・開催日 : 8月21日(金)18:30 – 20:00 ・App:Zoom (https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72184277218?pwd=MHE5L0VZZk1sYzRabXNZNUNtWU9FUT09) ・発表者:Akane Tamai (Aichi Univ.),Ariel Panadero,Chinatsu Kawakami,Chris Cheng ・参加:どなたでも参加可能
【IUF 2020 SUMMER is coming soon!】
The International Understanding Forum (IUF) is a project initiated by students for the purpose of understanding different cultures and improving their presentation skills in English. IUF provides a place where the speakers give presentations in English each time according to the theme and lively exchange opinions with the participants. Four speakers will talk about their study abroad experience and exchange opinions with participants on online. Anyone can join us, so we look forward to your participation.
Details ・Date: Friday, August 21st PM6:30 – 8:00 ・App: Zoom (https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72184277218?pwd=MHE5L0VZZk1sYzRabXNZNUNtWU9FUT09) ・Speakers: Akane Tamai(Aichi Univ.),Ariel Panadero,Chinatsu Kawakami,Chris Cheng ・Target: For whoever might be interested
※Please download Zoom app for participating.
(執筆:情報・知能工学課程3年 紺谷優志)